Monday, June 15, 2009

Game 1- Nevada

Whew! What a day. We started having a much needed sleep-in, and the boys obliged by taken full advantage of their 9am breakfast call, stumbling in at the last minute. After a filling breakfast and thirty-minute rest, Cory took them for a brief 20-25 minute jaunt. The weather was a moderate 64 degrees and sunny. After a few breaks it was to the game versus Nevada.

The game well ...was very interesting for Sparta, there was a lot of this:
and a lot of this too:
And consequently a lot of this, because of the former:

But you know, with all the theatrics, embellishments, and excuses aside, the boys played very well, and more importantly, they're learning how to play the game against varying styles, concepts, and adversaries, which will only be to their gain.

For instance, we saw Amp fight for the ball even while being double teamed: Jordan played very well and was unrelenting in drive and spirit. Here you see Jordan redirect a well-placed ball and making a heads-up run, looking for a open player to pass to. Gage showed off some of his skilz <---oh yah, I went there:

In the end, it was a 1-3 game. This is only one small step in their soccer journey, and I hope they'll continue to face many more challenges yet to come. We look forward to playing Colorado tomorrow and playing the best team ball yet.

Until then,


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